The African Literary  Journal ALJ B4


Toward the imaginative approach to Africa's development issues is the focus of IRCALC�s B4 edition of the African Literary Journal.

 IRCALC-ALJ B4 comes with a new integrative and indigenous approach to Africa in spite of the cultural myopia of some western critics. The so-called minority nations may yet become major streams in the estuary of global politics, say the editors in their preface to the journal volume.



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With the emphasis on African oral literatures,  Mbunda and Ce write on birth songs of Cameroonian women performers and riddle contests of youth artistes from Nigeria respectively in a manner that recognises the immediate relevance of this greatly cherished but neglected part of African literary aesthetics. In spite of the exuberance of editorial efforts, however, the collections in this edition may only whet the appetite for the imaginative chronicle of Africa's progress in the last decade. 






Url of reference:

SMITH, Charles and Chin CE (eds), African Literary Journal B4, IRCALC, 2003, 127 p.

ISBN: 978 36034 4 2

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