Falsehood of Religions and Politics – by City Cents 


In his book post (FB 19 08 2017) Christed Light debated the knowledge of human beginnings on planet Earth noting how scientific and religious communities of the east and west conspired to keep humans in permanent ignorance about their true beginnings and divine heritage. Religion is allied to falsehood, he writes. Humans have been lied to several times from age to age through religious and political doctrines, and robbing the people of their money is the reason for these scriptural and constitutional lies.

Christed quotes from the best selling book of Matthew and Suzanne Ward that “ostensibly all religions originated their own dogma to benefit the peoples. But, in fact, accurate historical recordings show that a few people who wished to control the many peoples deliberately devised falsehoods that enabled this control.

“Very long ago,” says Matthew, in his book Revelations For A New Era with Suzanne Ward, the religious leaders made up stories to confuse and mislead the minds searching for an understanding of their Beginnings.

“The leaders saw that the truth would allow people a closeness to God that did not require money or intervention by other humans, and that did not suit their purposes.

“So to satisfy their greed and desire for control, the leaders contrived layer upon layer of distance between God and the individual heart and soul. It is their false information that you revere and hold most sacred.”

Matthew avers that “Worshipping God is not kneeling and feeling lowly, it is looking within and exulting in the knowing of your inseparable God connection.”

Inseparable God connection, being the key phrase, means that every human is created from the same God fabric as any other and has equal direct connection with the Creator if he /she so freely wills it. But in a world filled with countries ruled by mad men where, for example, the North Korean boy child is playing supreme leader supported by godless China, where the United States old man President is a revolting Christian fanatic who hates Muslims, and Nigeria and indeed all of Africa are headed by fanatical Muslim Christian and tribal bigots, how can the world’s masses ever begin to read and understand the great disservice of ignorance their religious and political leaders are doing to them?

As Terry comments on the same post, there is only confusion, and truly, more confusion everywhere you look among the blinded followers. Another blogger, Ernest, supports that Matthew Ward’s message is the truth, and nothing but the truth.

Will human beings rise with one voice and mind to reject the uncountable number of greedy politicians, pastors, bishops, imams, prophets, and rabbis who have aided the politicians in turning them blind and senseless zombies from generation to generation?

The answer remains with time.


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