Defeating the Deep State from Inside Out (1/3)


The Fractal Dimension of Africa Research Forum

Sleeping masses delay the Q-Plan; Deep State’s satanic control is long-term conspiracy; Only our Mass Awakening Liberates Planet Earth; Q and Trump Team streamed on Soundcloud

Q and Trump Team: Defeating the Deep State from Inside Out 1/3

From TheFinalWakeupCall

How this all started:

An all powerful group called ‘Q’ was founded in 2012. The name Q was chosen so no one would ever know their true identity, unless they would reveal themselves to the world. This alliance wanted to operate as an all-powerful, all-knowing, but anonymous group, working in secret without fear of retaliation by the Deep State.

They selected Donald Trump as their best candidate for the next President after Obama’s second term. Trump was not told anything about the Q-team itself, nor was he told that the go-between was a member of the Q-group. Trump was only told that a small secret group of rich and powerful people would secretly cooperate with him. He was told that he even had to spend his own money on his own election campaign.

Even the messengers that Q sends to Trump, do not have any direct contact with Q. Every piece of information is communicated through a middle man. The Q management team consists of ‘ten creators’, all designated by “Q”. They are “The circle”. They recruited ten more trusted associates who together form “The inner circle”. These members hold positions in the White House and in Trump’s administration.

All these appointees bolster great power and influence. They are all 100% loyal to the constitution, like Trump, and they fully support his undertaking regarding this monumental enterprise. None of these players are familiar with any details of the Q-circle plans, nor do they even know who they are. The main objective is to break away from the Globalist fundamentals.

President Donald Trump went through the very difficult and dangerous process of testing the “state of mind” of those closest to him, with the aim of determining who is telling the truth, who is compromised, who is corrupt, who is a viable ally, and most important, who is a deceitful enemy.

The powerful forces within the Deep State are massively organised against Trump and the population. They control most of the mainstream media and most of the Security Community. Even Donald Trump’s administration has a nest of warmongers that together constitutes a full-blown war cabinet.

The Deep State Shadow Government wants war. Consequently, their puppets in Congress promote war. The impression that is given, is that the Trump administration is preparing for war, which isn’t the case. Remember there are two different governments at work; the Deep State Shadow- and the Trump administration. This makes it very difficult for the not fully awakened outsiders to understand what really is going on. As both are acting as though they are the legal Government at almost the same time and level.

President Trump’s goal is to completely “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C. But it has been a legal nightmare for the Trump administration, as officially, there’s not much the president can do. There are hundreds of thousands of employees that work inside the government and many are Deep State operatives that diligently work against the Trump Team at every turn.

The world is going to need many more Patriots, people that have woken up and are hungry to join in this battle and assisting President Trump’s team, his patriots and the Q-movement to liberate planet Earth from the Deep State globalists. The book THE GREAT AWAKENING is therefore a good guide, with numerous links for in-depth individual research, to understand where we are going and how we can reach our goal. We need over 50% of the populace being awake, before the final move can be made, in order to avoid chaos and riots.

Sleeping masses delay the Q-Plan

Take into consideration and understand how difficult it is to live in a world of people who are fast asleep. Most of Trump’s time is spent waking up the masses by speaking repeatedly about the Federal Reserve Bank, the Clinton Foundation, the fake news media, exposing the phony political partisan games and many more important fraudulent activities, such as PizzaGate paedophilia. This is all done on purpose with the aim of people becoming familiar with the reality of that which has been going on for far too long.

All taxpayers’ hard-earned money is transferred through the Rothschild-owned Central Bank to their privately-owned Bank of London, where it is then given to the privately-owned Vatican Bank and from there it is dispersed over their other Central Banks across the globe. In the process, insiders’ pockets are lined handsomely and those of large corporations. Thereafter, these tax monies have to be borrowed back to finance their own governments with interest attached. In other words; taxpayers have to borrow back their own previously paid tax money, but now with interest charges added. Isn’t that FRAUD?

Be convinced, almost every allied government has been involved in this scam, which will be proven once the central bank books are independently audited worldwide.

The Q-Plan includes taking down the Deep State, together with the Rothschild Banker Cabal’s money system, that owns and runs the Federal Reserve, and all other central banks worldwide, the IRS, tax agencies, treasuries, the IMF, BIS, World Bank, UN and countless other cabal-owned institutions. With the black money drug cartel practically eradicated, this together will end the Deep State’s financial resources, their funding and thereby ultimately, their influence.

The Vatican Bank has been underwriting a corrupt banking system under its ancient ‘Ruling Laws Act’ pertaining to ownership of unoccupied commonwealth properties. Multi-national banks are operating as security investment firms, whereas each bank controls patents and certain portions of the overall system.

The roots of today’s problems, clearly show that history has not been a random series of events, but rather a carefully planned ‘design’ of land, wealth, resource grabbing, and the seizure of our freedom through Corona-quarantining, accomplished by a small number of wealthy and privileged individuals bent on world domination. This has been undertaken on such a massive scale that it seems almost incomprehensible, but as the old saying goes, “The best kept secrets are the ones hidden in plain sight.”

All that is seen is manipulated illusion all over the world. Global finance, including banking, stock markets, currencies, or whatever is simply a confidence trick.

Their plan to completely take over Planet Earth has until recently been extremely successful by hiding their manipulation behind financial and government cronies; through bribes they control humans like puppets on strings and so they became the wealthy rulers and dark lords throughout countless ages.

All of these interferences have been going on over hundreds of thousands of years. As long, things go well for a long period of time – empires grow and grow – and then they don’t go so well, and finally everything collapses. Most likely in today’s society, the global central bank economy is for all nations close to the peak of the curve at present, and soon to collapse.

Any comment that President Trump is a tool of the Deep State is absurd, and absolutely ridiculous; it confirms little or no research has been done by the criticiser. To set the record straight: President Donald Trump has confronted the Shadow Government known as the Deep State more than any other president in history, and that includes President John F. Kennedy who was murdered by the Deep State during his re-election tour in 1963 in Dallas Texas.

Deep State’s satanic control is the result organised long-term conspiracy

The Deep State is the source of all that is evil and negative on planet Earth. To survive the coming rough times, it’s essential to understand what it is all about. The Deep State is organised of top-echelon employees of over a dozen
powerful agencies, like the CIA, FBI, NSA, IMF, CFR, BB, BIS, WHO, IMF, WB, top generals, admirals, and other military operatives, long-term congressmen, senators, members of parliament, Lords, directors of important supervisory agencies and CEO’s of most of the big multinationals, of which the majority of shares is owned by the DS. Whereas, all government agencies are what could be called their running dogs.

The Deep State’s satanic control is the result of a very well organised long-term conspiracy with the purpose to establish the New World Order, based on the Luciferian revolution against God and Nature.

These are the Pharaonic Templar Bankers of Switzerland with their 5th Column Masonic minions and criminal Jesuits. They form the ruling Oligarchy around the world. The Ruling Pharaohs originate from Lucifer’s occult mystery religions that came out of Babylon and Egypt. They now are identified as the Global Elite or Deep State-cabal, who see us as their slaves and assets, to do with us as they please.

Edward Snowden, the American whistleblower who had to flee the country after revealing the unconstitutional and unethical practices of the National Security Agency where he worked, reveals that security forces in every major country in the world now have real-time access to every conceivable function of your smartphone – including your microphone, camera, text messages, locations visited, and people with whom you have spoken on the street – even when you think your phone is turned off. He concludes that this is a tool of tyranny. He ends with the question: What are we going to do about it? To remain silent and do nothing is acquiescing to evil.

Only our Mass Awakening Liberates Planet Earth

Our overwhelming, uncontrollable and unstoppable mass awakening is what the world’s ruling elite fears the most, since we greatly outnumber them and their associates. In that event, they do not know how to deal with us, even with their advanced technologies.

If the masses, the vast majority of the population who are now out of work, left alone and are expressing their anger, somehow become aware of their power they don’t even need a conspiracy. They just have to get up and shake themselves like a horse shakes off the flies. If they choose to, they could defeat the Deep State cabal by tomorrow.

So, the real question is, how do we become conscious? Actually, it is quite simple; you become conscious by choosing it, by acting on meaningful coincidences. Act on all that moves and inspires people. Act on and take action by listening to your inner-voice, coming from your soul; pay attention to your intuitive feelings and drive.

Choosing to become conscious means detaching from the mind control programming and escaping the effects of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual prison woven around us by governmental oppression.

Their vocabulary is used to discredit people who shine a light on the dark. It has been quite effective for those who are still asleep, sailing through life in blissful unawareness. It seems to strike fear in these people, so they walk away from anyone trying to show them or tell them the truth by shining a light on the dark.

The “un-awakened” and “unaware” even become angry and critical of those trying to show them the truth. They have been very well-trained to be faithful “sheep”, even to being warriors of the grand deception, thanks to frequent “mind-control” techniques. Most of the people go to work on a daily basis and come home to watch their brainwashing TV to persist inside the perpetual cycle of their debt slavery system, which is a far cry from reality to say the very least.

Wake up and observe; do that always and everywhere, to discover the real purpose of government, which is enabling the few to exploit the many. Never before in world history has such a great responsibility fallen onto the shoulders of a single person as was accepted by Donald Trump. Never before have ‘We the People’ been called upon to act in unison with deliberation to prevent the outbreak of another world war.

Unfortunately, many people don’t want to hear the truth! The best thing one can do at this point in time is to inform oneself by undertaking the necessary research. A good guide with detailed explanations and countless links for in-depth research, can be found here. Share this information with anyone who is, or can be, awake you know about. The earlier we all are liberated, the better it will be for everyone. Although many of us are silently awake, for the time being, the sleepers are still in the majority. They are the first obstacle in the way of the success of this historic revolution. For this reason, the Deep State and MSM are being openly trapped into educating the public drop by drop. They show how responsible leaders and politicians have committed treason, sedition and crimes against humanity, and strike before the public realises what is really going on.

To encourage the Trump team and the patriots fighting the Globalist Mafia, any awake person can fly the national flag until after the upcoming elections on November 3. This is the very best visual demonstration of our solidarity for Q and Trump