Earth is being cleansed of the darkness

New clean energy planet Earth

Gaia is being cleansed of the darkness that has permeated. This is a multidimensional war involving energies from this universe. It is no easy fight but Creator has decreed that the light has won And so it has.

Gaia is being Cleansed of the darkness that has permeated

I am Mira, working full time on behalf of humanity. Our technologies are quite advanced which will be beneficial for your world systems in many ways. The AI web has been manipulated against humanity. Humanity is to be returned unto itself so that war and division are no longer the norm.

I am Mira. I serve in my fullest capacity. We are aware of the challenges that many of you are facing in this now. Know that we are working full time.

The dark does not give up its prize easily, but this does not matter for the light is transmuting, always in the process of transmuting it. You have been busy transmuting on multidimensional points, as many realities converge to heighten and hone the energies.

Gaia is being cleansed of the darkness that has permeated. This is a multidimensional war involving energies from this universe. It is no easy fight but Creator has decreed that the Light has won and so it will. And so it has.

It is not apparent yet upon your physical reality that you are temporarily immersed within as you are awake. It is apparent when you are in the higher dimensional realms when you sleep or when you meditate.

We encourage you to tap into the vast network of Pleiadian healing energies that we are streaming through your skies, your ionosphere to assist with transmuting the AI web of lower dimensional control frequencies. We encourage you to breathe fresh air and to feel the sun on your face and to ground to your planetary mother, who is full of joy and healing frequencies for you.

I am Mira. I offer to you today encouragement that you can keep going, and you will, for we need you to and you are more than well qualified. And hope because it is written in the stars and on the spoken breath of Creator that this victory is for the light. Our Pleiadian technology, our love, our hearts are ever in service to the ascending ones of humanity, and to healing Gaia. It is with the greatest of joys that I send you this message of love and light today. I am Mira

The Fractal Dimension of Africa Research Forum