The Event Solar Flash: When Is The Time?


The Event Solar Flash: When is the Appropriate Time?

Discussion of Critical New Disclosure Film — #1 Documentary! by David Wilcock, DIVINE COSMOS

We are told by alleged ET (Extra Terrestrial) sources that this solar flash will not occur until we are properly ready for it as a planet, or at least as close as can be feasible.

Even with that in mind, the “Guardian” ETs are not anticipating that this event will happen any later than 2029. That’s really not very much time.

We have a LOT to do in order to be ready by that date, particularly since the truly critical period occurs in just the next two years. No one really knows when the flash will occur — and a 17-year delay from 2012 is inconsequential when looking at a cycle with a 25,920-year span.

This 25,920-year cycle is something I have researched and written about extensively, with references from many different sources.
In physical terms this cycle appears as the “Precession of the Equinoxes,” which causes all stars in the night sky to drift by one degree every seventy-two years.
360 degrees times 72 years is how you get 25,920.

As Santillana and von Dechend revealed in the epic Hamlet’s Mill, fully 35 different ancient texts had these “precessional” numbers deliberately encoded into them — worldwide.

This appears to be the work of ET races who very much wanted us to investigate this cycle, since the end of the cycle gives us quite the surprise.

These prophecies very often describe an epic advancement of human evolution at the end of the cycle, as well as a massive solar event.


The science behind the exact timing of the flash, according to Secret Space Program insiders, is that it will only happen at a Solar Maximum or Solar Minimum.
There is a regular, predictable 11-year cycle between each minimum or maximum that has been observed since the dawn of the telescope.

At Solar Minimum, the sun has a spotless surface, and at Maximum we see a wildly churning surface riddled with sunspots.

The sun appeared to be hitting its Solar Minimum in 2017, but has defied all expectations by continuing to have 132 spotless days in 2018 as of mid-August.
NASA scientist Tony Phillips was saying we were still in a Solar Minimum as of September 27th, 2018, causing global cooling effects.
As an example, when I stayed in Canada this September, it turned to bitter cold and snow by mid-September — a full month ahead of time.

Eleven years after the still-visible minimum of 2018 puts us into the year 2029 as the new expected window. This is really not very much time.

Again, classified scientists and ETs have somehow calculated that the “solar flash” cannot occur unless the sun is at a maximum or minimum.

I had clear prophetic dreams giving me this exact window of time — roughly 2029 — before Corey Goode got the same thing from his alleged ET contacts.

I found interesting to say the least.


This prophecy of a solar flash becomes far more compelling when you read how extensively it appears in various ancient texts.

This includes the Old Testament, New Testament, the Qu’ran and many other sacred texts, including Hindu, Zoroastrian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman.

There are a wealth of modern prophecies about this that I still need to summarize and disclose in future efforts.

Bear in mind that the ETs who gave us these ancient prophecies apparently have time-travel capabilities.

Therefore, they could be having secret meetings with world leaders today and then jumping back a few thousand years to plant the appropriate prophecies.

The modern prophecies, like we see in the Law of One, can be far more specific than some of the ancient ones that are partially encoded in mythology.

There is widespread consensus in these prophecies that the sun gives off a blindingly brilliant flash of light, and we are transformed in the process.


The prophecies indicate that this is a type of spiritual graduation for those who are ready for it. I have always called it Ascension.

All the benevolent ETs have a central goal: to help us awaken to the fact that we are in a spiritual classroom, whether we realize it or not.

For most people reading this site, the idea of karma being an “absolute law” is so basic that it is foolish to even discuss it.
Yet, we must not forget that there are many, many people who are still grievously uninformed about this most basic of spiritual principles.

In a more enlightened society, we would all be very well aware of the absolute futility of trying to manipulate, control, deceive, betray or otherwise hurt people.
Sure, you can do it and think everything is fine in the short term.
However, without fail, your life will soon have “bad luck” that precisely balances whatever you created for others.


I became very aware of karma at an early age. My mother had informed me about it ever since as early as I can remember.

I remember my aggressive buddy Brad one time jumping out of his car in the snow to beat up a kid who threw a snowball at us on the way home from school.

He had the kid on the ground only to discover that it was his buddy Ed’s little brother. He didn’t beat him up. It was very strange… a little too weird.

It really didn’t take very long for me to figure out how reliably I would get injured or otherwise disrupted if I did something selfish or harmful.

This became far more obvious once I went completely sober in 1992. I have seen many thousands of very obvious karmic events ever since.
We also tend to forget that good karma is equally as immutable of a universal law as bad karma.
In other words, higher angelic beings are required to manifest positive events for us when we create more love, peace and happiness around us.


In light of how obvious and exacting karma can be, it is ultimately wise to have a healthy fear of it.

The more you experience this, the more you understand that you absolutely cannot and will not “get away” with anything.

No matter how clever you might think you are, even if you can completely deceive someone in physical terms, it will come back in some other form.

You can lie, cheat, steal, verbally abuse, physically abuse, betray, manipulate, control and torture, but everything you do is guaranteed to return to you.

It doesn’t always happen right away. According to the Cayce Readings, part of why we reincarnate is that it can take lifetimes to work off significantly bad karma.

The folks in the Cabal genuinely do not believe in the Law of Karma. They often equate themselves to natural forces like wildfires.

It doesn’t work that way. Fire is an element. We are human beings, subject to very specific and exacting spiritual laws.


Becoming aware of karma is a very intrinsic aspect of the Ascension process.

You are breaking down the notion of a conventional, materialistic “real world” in which there is no cause-and-effect relationship between your actions and your subsequent experiences.

It has never ceased to amaze me how many people, in my own private life, have scoffed at me for my belief in karma, and how precisely I believe in its effects.
Synchronicity is another very obvious clue that helps you understand the seemingly “magical” law of karma, and to navigate your process of Ascension.
If you keep doing hurtful things, experiencing karma and having no insight into the connection between your actions and experiences, you have “True Helplessness” in Law of One terms.

You probably won’t start to get synchronicity in a case like that. At the very least you have to become aware that your “bad luck” has a direct cause — namely you.


In the previous article, I quoted from writer Adam Stenbergh, whose research concluded that Facebook / Instagram was the perfect “Sadness Generator.”

This is obviously due to the incredible hatred we all face on these platforms. The Cabal obviously has had a huge involvement in the development of social media.

A total Wild West environment has been created, in which you can slander, defame, threaten and abuse anyone with almost no visible repercussions.

The police will actually tell you, “Call us when someone appears at your door trying to murder you.” It’s that bad.

People can seemingly “get away” with whatever they want online. We see outrageous hate come in on a daily basis across all of our platforms.

You don’t have to like me, the message I share or the way I share it. Nonetheless, it is very sad to see how much needless karma is being generated.

A person who routinely attacks and “trolls” others online is going to have a horrible life, and the karma will prevent them from ever getting out of it.


The Law of One describes how the world we are living in is a carefully-crafted illusion, in which the Law of Karma is not obvious.

Most of us have to go through many lifetimes of suffering needlessly, from our own hand, before realizing why all this “bad luck” keeps happening.

Now that we are at the end of the cycle, you may well be experiencing wave after wave of seemingly “bad karma” even if you are being very precise in your positivity.

Using the terms in the Law of One and the Cayce Readings, you may well be working off debts from other lifetimes.

As we get closer and closer to the epic turning points, including the mass exposure and arrest of the Cabal, more and more karma will be worked off.

I have certainly noticed intensive challenges this year despite being very careful not to create any new karma. Old stuff is definitely being discharged.

So again, I would advise you to embrace these experiences, no matter how difficult they might be. That is the key to preventing their repetition.


Not everyone will go through Ascension at the end of this cycle. In fact, the sources usually agree that most of us will not be ready for it.
The Cabal controls the media, and you hardly ever see any “entertainment” that accurately describes the Law of Karma and how exacting it is.

One movie and TV show after another demonstrate people who completely “get away” with hurtful acts and have no repercussions.
This is fiction. This is not reality. People who manipulate, control, dominate and abuse others end up in absolute misery before long.
The key quality for preparedness is a loving, forgiving, patient, open-hearted “service-to-others” perspective, while also being adept at lovingly maintaining your sacred boundaries.

The people who are not ready to evolve into the next level will end up being safely transported to another planet that is at the appropriate “vibrational level.”


The ancient prophecies also make it very clear that there will be a mass appearance of ETs when the solar flash happens, just as Mr. X’s classified documents revealed.
This is the great secret of Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed, Buddha and so many other masters.

Certain modern Christians have attempted to demonize all ET life as negative. Yet the word “Angel”, or the Greek “Aggelos,” simply means “Messenger.”

Anyone identifying as Christian who thinks all ETs are evil should definitely study in detail, for an awakening experience.

This site is written by a Christian and clearly shows how there are good ETs, or angels, and bad ETs, or demons, in the Old and New Testament both.

It took many years before I really “got” that the Law of One message was indistinguishable at its core from that of Christianity.

The scientific proof of Ascension is truly deep, and takes these ancient prophecies and breathes significant new life into them.


I have no doubt that a solar flash / Ascension event of this nature will happen. The science and prophecies are irrefutable.

And right up until it does, very few people will be aware of what is going on, just as the prophecies said.

The reason benevolent ETs had to hold this event off at the end of 2012 is that we were completely unprepared for something like this to occur at the time.

It is absolutely necessary that mass disclosure, and a visible defeat of the Cabal, precedes an event of this nature to help usher in a planetary awakening.

Otherwise, not enough people will have had the opportunity for a massive spiritual awakening, and the “graduation numbers” would be far too small.

Thankfully, “Above Majestic” is a “red pill” disclosure capsule about the Secret Space Program, the Cabal and Q Anon that is ready for mass consumption.


The entire focus of the Law of One series is on increasing our graduation numbers in the short time we have remaining.
Spiritual beings like you, as you read this, are very likely volunteering here to help increase the graduation numbers, from a Law of One perspective.

Although the solar flash will be a planetary event, we are also going through very intense personal experiences as it gets closer.
All you really have to do to fulfill the mission, at the core, is to “radiate the realization of Oneness with the Creator” to others.

This is easier said than done, as we are constantly assaulted with provocations that intend to destroy our peace of mind.

You may not believe that anything will be happening over the next ten or eleven years, but I still feel it is a very good idea to prepare for it anyway.

The worst thing that could happen to you is that you become a much nicer, more agreeable and friendly person. How bad could that be?
I don’t know about you, but I’m not interested in doing 25,000 more years in “third density.” I’m done.


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