Taking down the shadow government


David Wilcock routinely collaborates and aligns with other whistleblowers such as Corey Goode, Emery Smith, William Tompkins, David Seaman and Jerome Corsi.

David’s posts are long and random with information; they are not for a cursory reader.

On the website of divinecosmos.com David resonates with those following the rising consciousness of the age with studied attention and the dedicated participation of their own talents and resources. Together they bring incredible intelligence, stunning revelations, on millennia of Satanism that kept the world in sickness, poverty and darkness.

More importantly they also reveal the positive activities for Disclosure/ Planetary Liberation by an inner Earth and outer space network of breakaway civilisations, including an international secret space alliance within the armed forces and civil professionals.

We can surmise that these concerted light filled actions for the end of diabolical control of humans and domination of the planet are being helped by the Galactic Family of Light.

These are high density civilisations whose presence surrounds our galaxy under the divine mandate to assist the planet in its ascension out of third density, and out of the control of Luciferian hosts that have been intent on more destructive, more debilitating, power over humanity.

Here are some of David Wilcock’s quotes from his recent article on taking down the deep state. Important points in any Lightworker’s estimation are highlighted in bold letters by Christed

The Deep State Takedown

by David Wilcock

Click here to read Part One: The Secret Space Program

I have met dozens of insiders, ever since 1996, who have revealed that enormous secrets are being hidden from us by “the government.”

The term “government” used to be sufficient when these people controlled both political parties in America and therefore never lost an election.

This same “government” killed John F. Kennedy in broad daylight, blaming it on a ridiculous lone-shooter conspiracy theory, after he opposed them.

This “government” had a stranglehold over the media, top corporations, the military, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, oil and “too big to fail” banks.

This evil force is now more appropriately called the Deep State.

Other commonly-heard names include the Cabal, the New World Order or the Illuminati.


It would be terrific if we had a nice, easy, well-packaged official revelation of the Deep State on a mass level.

Or so it would seem. There are actually some significant problems with anyone attempting to do this.

Even though the evidence for the Deep State’s existence is overwhelming, its members will still fight to the death to keep it a secret.

Some very real examples of this struggle among my own circle of insiders were just shared in Part One.

The mainstream media is still very much under Deep State control.

If you haven’t fully grasped this yet, much of what is going on right now can seem mysterious.

The Alliance people know firsthand that the Deep State is as real and serious as a heart attack. They don’t have to wonder if “any of this” is true.

The Deep State is a hard fact for them. It is a murderous group they are fighting to the death. Yet for most people, this is still a fantasy.

It’s easier to keep it that way to avoid the emotional pain of facing the truth.


Occasionally we get emails or comments that say something like this:

“David, I wish you would get rid of this Illuminati stuff. It’s so dark. Even if it’s true, nobody wants to hear it. Why don’t you go back to talking about spiritual things?”

As far as I am concerned, any person who is pursuing spiritual enlightenment or insight should be keenly aware that this problem exists.

A genuine spiritual path is not one where we dwell in fantasy. We are not seeking to enshroud ourselves in mystical beliefs that everything is just fine the way it is.

We look at reality head-on, and confront the real problems in our world.

If a dark force has taken control of our planet, the most spiritually advanced people should be well aware of that — and working to stop it.

What amazes me is how easy it is to “do the homework” and assemble evidence that proves the Deep State really exists.

It’s actually quite a big payoff once you break through, and realize that the world you thought you knew is an illusion.

The spiritual aspect of this discussion is that it takes great strength and fortitude to actually let yourself believe the evidence.


It is all too easy for us to overlook the mountains upon mountains of provable evidence that the Deep State is real.

Why? Simple.

It is much, much easier and more comfortable to “stay asleep,” just like the Deep State wants you to, and remain in denial.

That way you can go on pretending that everything is OK, and there is nothing you could do to solve these problems anyway.

The Deep State’s business model requires you to remain ignorant — at least until the final stage of their plan where they attempt to take over.

The Alliance’s valiant efforts have made that ancient dream of a “New World Order” absolutely impossible for the Deep State to achieve.


The amount of Luciferian propaganda being paraded in front of us has been at an all-time high these last few years.

Some movies don’t even hide it at all, like Zoolander No. 2, where genuine top fashion icons appear in cameo roles and participate in a satanic child sacrifice at the end.


Many films in the Young Adult (YA) genre oddly depict a brutal, totalitarian police state dominating a post-apocalyptic society.

Classic modern examples of this would include the Matrix trilogy, the Maze Runner trilogy, the Divergent trilogy, “The Giver,” and so on.

The people in the Deep State are hoping to harness the power of our collective consciousness to manifest and “authorize” an apocalypse.

Maze Runner features a world where the sun has given off a flash that destroyed most people, and then created a virus that turns everyone into zombies.


Countless action thrillers fill our minds with desensitizing scenes of gun violence and brutal death. The villains often articulate the beliefs of this group.

The latest Batman films, beginning with the Christian Bale reboot, have all been legendary examples of this propaganda in action.

Heath Ledger died shortly after his role as the Joker, where he delivers an absolutely precise rendition of how the Deep State thinks and operates.

As I have said before, Batman vs. Superman is one of the most aggressive Luciferian films ever made.

All of that has changed with the development of what we are calling the Alliance.

In reality, the Alliance is a confederation of multiple, differing factions working against this evil force.

The Alliance is an international group of different factions who all agree that the Deep State / Cabal / New World Order / Illuminati must be stopped.

The Alliance includes what now appears to be a majority of the military and intelligence agencies within the US, as well as many other countries.

They are far more aware of what is going on in the Secret Space Program than we may realize.

It may well be that the Alliance plans on revealing epic secrets, including a guided tour of underground facilities, fairly soon after the arrests occur.


The Q Anon material began appearing on 4Chan at the end of October 2017, just two weeks after we threw Mega Anon into the limelight.

We have now had multiple briefings indicating that the QAnon posts are authentic releases of intel from what we are calling the Alliance.


This statement from Q Anon on November 21st, 2017 clearly seems to be written by someone who at least believes at least a majority of The Fundamental to be true:

  • All that you know to be right is wrong. The ‘cult’ runs the world. Fantasy land. The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).
  • 20% public. 80% private. The world would otherwise collapse….
  • Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
  • MSM role? Push conspiracy theory. Social media role? Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban. Censorship.

Q is clearly saying that 80 percent of the war that is now being fought must be done in private, clandestinely.

Otherwise, the Alliance believes the shock and trauma would be so great that the world would indeed collapse.

(Yet) The “conspiracy theory” that is being pushed by mainstream media (MSM) and social media is the idea that there is no Deep State.

We are definitely seeing more and more examples of aggressive censorship taking place…

Read the full post by David Wilcock Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now


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