The Last Days in Jerusalem

Jesus message

Know who you are! This is what matters most. Every separation is illusion and brings bad luck, disrupts your life and leads to war

The Last Days In Jerusalem – April 2023 Message of Jesus Christ

by Jahn Kassl Lichtweltverlag

From the book JESUS ​​BIOGRAPHY 2

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Now also as an e-book

It’s the year 35

Beloved people, you messengers of God and angels in human form!

do you know who you are – Gods from eternity, from the light of all being.

There is no separation between us other than those that you have determined and brought into your life through your lack of awareness. Truly I say to you: We are all one – immutable and all time, from eternity to eternity!

I greet you and your heart fills with my love, the power of all life from omnipresent being.

Today I give this knowledge, which should be made known to you, so that you can finally step out of old images about my life on earth.

It’s the year 35. The last days in Jerusalem have arrived, my last weeks to say goodbye and give final “instructions”.

Because we were all faced with our new tasks and before carrying our light into the world and bringing it to the people, to where we were sent by God’s intention and with the consent of our soul – the consent given in eternity, even before birth into human being. The supreme and most important commandment was love for one’s neighbor:

Love thy neighbor as thyself

This “formula” awakens unconditional love and all instructions are subordinate to this instruction.

It was therefore necessary to internalize this view of life and thereby always remain focused on the forces that produce love in order to drive negativity and darkness out of the heart. Bringing this attention to everyday life was an imperative for all who went forth to set an example of living genuinely in love.

In those days, this intention was solidified in the brothers and sisters. After the “last supper”, at which we once again strengthened each other through the power of love, countless personal meetings took place so that I was able to attune each of my companions to their individual assignments. Nothing was left to “chance”, because until then the hearts of the people had been entrusted to me and handed over to me by God. So now the time had come and they were all thoroughly attuned to their future tasks: “Be aware of your assignments and know who you are!”

Know who you are!

This is what matters most – now as then – there is no time to invalidate this fact, which can undermine this need to know about one’s life on earth: This is of the essence!

As long as this knowledge remains hidden from a person, he is truly ignorant and such a person is exposed to darkness.

Only then will you become capable beings, enabled to change, to transform into your being. Being born again as who you are is what human life is built upon, and without knowledge of it life is stale and empty, unfulfilled and sluggish – the shadows press into the heart until they darken it entirely.

This “commandment” is therefore vital – then as now, all time and in eternity.

So it was initially up to me to ignite this inner fire in my brothers and sisters, a fire that is expressed through the unconditional desire for this knowledge.

But how do you get to this status? How is it possible to get this knowledge?

These questions had to be faced and through my individual “advice” many were able to find their destiny – and above all they were able to live it, implement it and leave their mark on earth trusting in their being. So it was always the desire of the individual, a pure intention spoken from the heart, that preceded this realization.

Once a heart is filled with the longing for eternal being, then this knowledge, the knowledge of our descent, is also given! All the information necessary to assist us in what we do is given – and a pure heart, filled with this deep and sincere desire, comes to know the nature of his individual existence on planet Earth. Once the fire has been kindled, the task is to keep the flame so that it burns everything that hinders – and so that it enlightens everything in order to see.

Many of my apostles were discouraged and not everyone was able to deal adequately with the new situation we were faced with. Through the final instructions, however, they were able to reconnect with the life that had become so familiar to them in recent years: life out of, in and through love. That fulfillment was rekindled in most of the hearts of my beloved companions in those days, so that they could live up to their commissions willingly and courageously—with clarity and the assurance of God’s inner guidance.

If you want to know who you are, it is important to bring the light of God into your life! Once this has been achieved, all the channels that were previously blocked and kept you away from this realization of your being open up.

The constant and persistent willingness, your attentive lifestyle and your devotion to God bring you this great gift. From then on you will never go wrong again and truly: Your ways are blessed!

Be aware and know who you are! Act like gods that you are! Live the love that you are, ALL ONE and unconditionally. Thus the third instruction was and is given:

Experience yourself as ALL-ONE! Every separation is illusion and brings bad luck, disrupts your life and leads to war. The human race is one, inseparably united forever to uplift the planet. This fact remains unchanged

In the Jerusalem of that time, this knowledge, which was new to the understanding of the time, was given – placed in the hearts of those people who set out to carry the good news that we are walking gods into the world.

Our individual differences do not matter as we are united by the supreme power and might of love. Neither gender, race, religion, nor class is an indicator that legitimizes the divide: all aspects of the ONE Creator, the ONE Consciousness, the ONE Expressiveness of God.

Realizing this means: to rise up and to have understood God’s omnipresence, to understand it, but at least to sense it, to feel that peace, compassion and compassion can be lived through it – an absolute necessity to grasp this scope. This is more relevant today than ever.

My brothers and sisters went out, but some stayed in Jerusalem, including my brother James and my son Joshua. The Jewish community needed their blessed attention in order to grow, to be introduced to this realization of who we are.

We are all ONE!

These three “virtues” were essential and with this knowledge we set out into the world to serve the people and to carry the light – our light – to where the illusion of darkness held men’s hearts in menacing fear.

Miriam set out – and with her Sarah, who, like Joshua, sprang from our love. Their path eventually led them to Gaul, and the accounts of it are essentially correct – but not to perpetuate the so-called “bloodline”. That’s not the point and any assumptions about it are misleading, confusing and damaging!

We are all ONE!

Highlighting a bloodline counteracts this. This is the work of people, of those who have not understood, who have no knowledge of the true nature of all life.

Please don’t get confused. Miriam, too, had the ONE message, the ONE mission and the ONE eternal element of all-encompassing, unconditional love to bring into the world – to the place you now call France, to sow this seed in the south of this country – and we have always been connected through the inner light channels and above all through the umbilical cord of love.

So we moved out. Peter eventually got to Rome, but even there the story told to you needs some adjustment. He did not die that barbaric death that is presented to you as heroic. (According to legend, after his arrest by the Romans, Peter was crucified upside down at his own request. This sign of martyrdom was intended to represent his unique devotion to Jesus. Author’s note). Although many people died in the arenas of Rome, Peter passed from this cup and in his old age he finally ascended into the light. His crucifixion did not take place either!

Please accept this fact and now completely free yourself from these scary images that paralyze you and set you such a wrong example:

The Good News of unconditional love for your neighbors, The Good News of knowing who and what you are, The Good News that all life is ONE.

That is why we were born and now we have been sent to announce this message. These were my instructions and in those days they were integrated by the people who were meant for them.

The sending of the apostles began and for everyone who participated in it, their life finally became a matter between him/her and God. We went out to uplift the world and remind people of their original status.

Today it is up to you to complete these tasks, because the seed is sprout, a rich harvest is imminent.

Today it is you who are sent to finally establish this consciousness: the consciousness of the connections of all life, of love from being, which can only be experienced unconditionally in the unity of all people.

Blessed is he who comes, and verily: I am in the midst of you.