We are with you, say the Angels


This is a Message from the Angels via Jenny

You cannot do this alone and you are not doing this alone. All are involved in this immense and profound transformation. All animals and birds, fish, plants, trees, vines and fruiting branches—all participate in the expansion. They participate by their living essence.

Naturally, by your inhale and exhale, by your movement throughout your day, by your deep interaction with star beings in your night, you are active in it.

So when you find yourself in a state of frustration, anxiety, anger, or unclarity, our best good for you is to love you. No thinking. Nothing but our rippling and swirling the air around you. Soft now. Nothing to do.

You are so earnest, so passionate in wanting Nova Earth, Terra Gaia, to be your peaceful reality. That is the ground for your wishes and your yearning. What breaks you (open) again and again.

Now the sun falls warm about you and the day brightens before your eyes. Only your part can you do. And what is that?

Be exactly who you are, truly, in your integrity of feeling. Feel, acknowledge, allow, and be.

Then, even in this instant, you feel 1% better, or 2% better, or more. The tiniest turn with you alive in it is what you can do. Then you feel your strength again.

Within our ministerings you feel our love.

Perhaps it shows in the house finch singing, or the dove, or the many-voiced mockingbird. Maybe the sound of water lapping, or the trees beginning to exquisitely leaf out.

The world is filled with beauty.

When you can see even one corner of a leaf in this way, your eyes are opened again. Each time a revelation. Each occasion a gift you choose to receive.

The beings of light and the Company of Heaven are ever alert to your needs and cries. Also to your wonder and delight.

Now as the planets align with great power, you must acknowledge again, “I cannot do this alone. I am not here alone and unaligned. I am here present with my Angels. We have made every move thus far together. And so we will continue.”

Yes, we are with you. We are with you in your great gatherings and in your silent meditations.

We love you now and tomorrow and the next day too. And so we will continue. Always and all ways we love you.

Shared from Sananda.website


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