Imagining World Humanism

We share this world with many other life forms that we can physically see, and not physically see, yet these life forms are not included by mainstream science as life forms having sentient intelligence, or as entities that have souls.

by Lisa Renee, Time Shift Blog

How would the ideas of moral nihilism and the death culture be impacted if humans could feel the pain they create in others and feel the suffering consciousness of every living creature? To deeply experience the fear and pain created when that creature is brutalized at the hand of others, to feel the pain of living creatures when they die exposed to extreme states of cruelty.

And to know that this pain and cruelty does not leave when the body is killed, it stays there in the land, in the sentient field right where the act of brutality occurred, until unconditional love cleanses it.

In truth, this is my greatest wish that all humans on the earth that brutalize others through their own destructive actions, could feel the painful results they have created in the world around them.

The immense suffering we see in the world is caused by their own choices to repeatedly carry out destructive actions, such as treat people and living things with disdain and cruelty. Once you truly know how intense the suffering, the genetic deterioration and slavery that is caused in this world, a sane person does not want to create any more harm. This has nothing to do with mental judgments of right or wrong, or self-indignant morality – it is a Universal truth.

Imagining World Humanism

Imagine we lived in a world where all people wanted to live in harmony with the Natural Laws and there was no concept of money used as a control system to enslave others. Therefore, all people were treated with love, dignity and respect, to be equally educated in creating balanced and holistic lifestyle with others. Others who also choose to live in a world based in love, peace and unified cooperation, where everyone is supported to actualize their greatest evolutionary potential and inner creative genius.

World Humanism is based in the re-education of human value, which emphasizes the importance of shifting anti-human ideological beliefs such as the death culture, into humanist based ethics and related philosophical and egalitarian principles.

All human beings deserve humane treatment in order to live upon the planet with dignity, with basic access to meet their Fundamental Human Needs. Our goal is to apply humanistic ethical philosophy blended with the spiritual egalitarian principles of the Law of One to expand consciousness, which inspires direct knowledge or “Gnosis” of direct consciousness and awakening experiences.

Mainstream Humanism defines itself distinctly as the disconnection of the human being from its inherent spiritual-energetic intelligence or Soul, in an attempt to remove the concept of Humanism away from the learned bias and practices of religion. It is impossible to separate humanity from its sentient Soul body, and truly practice an ethical based Humanism aligned to Natural Laws. Once direct knowledge of the sentient soul consciousness is known as a reality, this fact is experienced without the need to control others through religious bias, or conform to religious rhetoric or scientific atheistic judgments.

Ascension essentially encompasses a Universal perspective towards the compassionate practice of World Humanism and includes the entire spectrum of life, of all inhabitants of the world no matter what race, religion, belief or creed, to be equally deserving of benevolence, empathy and compassion.

These are some of the clear examples of how other advanced races beyond our Solar System co-exist and live together, that are actively participating with the Intergalactic community and Interdimensional Free Worlds. The inhabitants of earth are fully excluded, until these global problems of destructive violence and world suffering are directly acknowledged and steps are taken for disclosure.

Disclosure is what is required to end wars, and stop directing covert and overt militant weaponry that is used to mind control the population, as well as perform senseless killing. It is true that based upon the clear evidence of continued violent warring, weaponry and destructive behaviors, some in the Intergalactic community believe the people of the earth are criminals and hybrids that should remain sequestered in this system of consciousness imprisonment. Many are wary and distrustful of the people that come from the earth. I hope someday the people of the earth will rise to change that perception.

With a Loving Heart, Lisa


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